
The Swiss Army Knife for Drupal Multisite Docroot Management and Deployment

View the Project on GitHub Adyax/docman


Introducing Docman: the Swiss Army Knife for Drupal multisite docroot management and deployment. Docman acts as a layer between your docroot - usually a git repository somewhere, but not limited to it- and multiple vendors working on different websites using your standards and predefined sets of modules.

Remember how hosting sales teams always tried to push you to buy more docroots "because otherwise it would be hard to manage websites in a Drupal multisite environment"? Docman can simplify your life so you will be able to stick to one docroot and multiple independent websites in it using the same Drupal core.

Have you ever tried to oblige different vendors to work with one Drupal core for completely different websites, inside a multisite environment, without making them break everything and with clear deployment schema? Find out how docman can make the once daunting task of multisite deployment more efficient.

Does the governance of multiple projects in one multisite environment scare you? Docman has hooks, like Drupal, to launch your tests whenever needed and for each website in multisite environment independently.

Real-world example:


First, make sure you have Ruby installed.

On a Mac, open /Applications/Utilities/ and type:

ruby -v

If the output looks something like this, you're in good shape:

ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-darwin13.0.0]

If the output looks more like this, you need to install Ruby:

ruby: command not found

On Linux, for Debian-based systems, open a terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install ruby-dev

or for Red Hat-based distros like Fedora and CentOS, type:

sudo yum install ruby-devel

(if necessary, adapt for your package manager)

Windows, is not supported for now.

Once you've verified that Ruby is installed:

gem install docman


Example 1:

Step 1: Directory structure creation

The important thing to understand - Docman doesn't really care about your directory structure, it scans your master directory for subdirectories and config files and then it will build what you want him to build. In this example we are replicating Acquia docroot structure, but feel free to adapt it to your needs.

This is why the tool is Drupal-version agnostic, you can easily adapt your Drupal 8 websites, because it is you who decide how to build the docroot, not Docman.

First of all you will need a config repository for this configuration. For testing purposes you can just use local repositories and then use external git links when you're ready. Remember, all your repositories (except master config) should have a state_stable branch created as an orphan. Docman uses this branch internally to keep stable version inside. First, lets create a config repository:

$ mkdir docroot-config

Lets init a git repository:

$ cd docroot-config; git init

We now have a local git repository, lets create an initial directory structure and config file:

$ mkdir master

Then we will need your common modules for all the projects:

$ mkdir master/common

Then we will need a directory for Drupal core :

$ mkdir master/docroot 

Then we will need an empty profiles directory:

$ mkdir master/profiles 

Then we will need a projects directory, where all your websites will go:

$ mkdir master/projects 

Then we will need a project 1 directory

$ mkdir master/projects/project1 

Then we will need a project 2 directory:

$ mkdir master/projects/project2 

Then we will need sites repository, which basically represents Drupal default /sites directory:

$ mkdir master/sites 

Step 2: main config file creation

Config files are important files that Docman uses in order to understand what kind of content the directory contain, where he should take the code, and what to run after along with environments.

Config files are .yaml files

The most important configuration file is config.yaml, which is located in the root of the config repository, lets create it:

$ touch config.yaml

Now lets fill it with basic config that suits our needs:

    deploy_target: git_target
    state: development
      handler: :ssh
      file_path: /mnt/www/html/
      ssh_user: docman1 # Edit this!
    deploy_target: git_target
    state: staging
      handler: :ssh
      file_path: /mnt/www/html/docman1.test
      ssh_user: docman1 # Edit this!
    deploy_target: git_target
    state: stable
      enabled: true
      handler: :option

Please note the structure, here we define the list of environments. You can have as many environments as you need, but here you see the default Acquia hosting structure with 3 environments, all of them are managed by git. Variables are pretty self explanatory:

deploy_target: git_target

This is important to say to docman, it set the environment to be built and pushed to git.

state: development

This is the name that you will use for docman build command.


Important part to say to docman about how to check if the code was correctly deployed. In this case after each push to git the tool will use the following parameters to connect to the environnement and check if the code is in place.

handler: :ssh 

We are using ssh protocol to check

file_path: :ssh 

Where to look for deployed files 

SSH host. Put the one that is shown to you in your hosting dashboard


SSH user


Subsystem for production environment, create stable docroot tags by checking all the stable tags from all the repositories and merging them into one.

enabled: true

Enabling the tagger

handler: option 

@Todo: description

As you can see, your environments can be anywhere, you do not need to stick to the same hosting system, you can get the code from your local development server dev environment and your staging environment will be in the real hosting. Continuous integration!

Step 3: Common files config file creation

In this example we have common modules reposiroty which resides in master/common directory. Lets create a config file for it:

$ touch master/common/info.yaml

We are using info.yaml here instead of config.yaml, because docman will search for info.yaml files in each directory to get its config.

Now lets put the basic configuration inside:

status: enabled
type: repo
repo: /Users/Adyax/Code/docman-common-test/
order: 30
    type: branch
    version: develop
    type: branch
    version: master
      type: :retrieve_from_repo
      repo: :project_repo
      branch: state_stable
      file: info.yaml
      - type: :script
        location: $INFO$/
        execution_dir: $PROJECT$
          - environment

Important: your remote repository should containt orphaned state_stable branch, it can be empty initially.

Again, see below the quick explanation of what is what here. The config file consists of main settings and states part, states are needed to describe to docman from which part of repository it needs to get the code to build for the specific environment (see config.yaml for the list of environments):

type: repo

Docman needs to know where to look for the code. This time it is a git repository.

repo: /Users/Adyax/Code/docman-common-test/

Git URL which you normally use in git clone command. In this example - local repository.

order: 30

The order in which docman builder gets this repository


Starts the states description part


The state that correspond to the environment in the main config.yaml file

type: branch

Which branch from the original repository should be taken for this state

version: develop

Ddevelop branch for development state in development environment in this example


Starts the stable part for this state


Starts the source description for the stable version

type: :retrieve_from_repo

In this example it will get the information from the same repository. But guess what - you can get it from other places too, like a specific file somewhere.

repo: :project_repo

Says that we are using the same repository as defined in the beginning of the file

branch: state_stable

Says that we are using the branch state_stable to get the release information (the name of the stable tag for this reposiroty)

file: info.yml

The file in which docman will search for the stable tag name for this repository. Ex. v.0.0.2


Starts the hooks part that we be run during the build


Starts the builder configuration part


Starts the hooks part that we be run during the build

Docman will also search for file, which contains the list of operations to fire after the build is finished:

$ touch master/common/

Put the following content in it:


set -vx

# Add following files into local git ignore only
if [ "$1" == "local" ]; then
  if [ -f .git/info/exclude ]; then
    rm .git/info/exclude
  echo "info.yaml" > .git/info/exclude

set +vx

Step 4: Drupal core config file creation

In this example we have drupal core repositoty which resides in master/docroot directory. Lets create a config file for it:

$ touch master/docroot/info.yaml

The structure of the config file for this repository is the same as in step 3 ((do not forget to put a proper git link into repo variable)):

type: repo
repo: /Users/Adyax/Code/Adyax/docman-core-test/ 
order: 1
    type: branch
    version: master
    type: branch
    version: master
    type: branch
    version: master
      - type: :script
        location: $INFO$/
        execution_dir: $PROJECT$
          - environment

Important: your remote repository should containt orphaned state_stable branch, it can be empty initially.

Step 5: Profiles config file creation

In this example we have profiles directory empty, and it resides in master/docroot directory. Lets create a config file for it:

$ touch master/profiles/info.yaml

We do not have anything to put here, so lets disable this directory for docman. Put the following into this file:

status: disabled
type: dir

Important: your remote repository should containt orphaned state_stable branch, it can be empty initially.

Step 6: Project directories config file creation

We have two projects (websites), so lets create two subfolders:

$ mkdir master/docroot/project1
$ mkdir master/docroot/project2

And config files for them:

$ touch master/docroot/project1/info.yaml
$ touch master/docroot/project2/info.yaml

The structure of config file for each repository is the same as in step 3, but this time time we will add deployer configuration. Put this into the configuration files you have just created (do not forget to put a proper git link into repo variable):

type: repo
repo: /Users/Adyax/Code/Adyax/docman-project1-test/
    type: branch
    version: develop
    type: branch
    version: master
      type: :retrieve_from_repo
      repo: :project_repo
      branch: state_stable
      file: info.yaml
      - type: :script
        location: $INFO$/
        execution_dir: $PROJECT$
          - environment
      - type: :script
        location: $PROJECT$/tools/deploy/common/before/
        execution_dir: $ROOT$/docroot
          - environment
      - type: :script
        location: $PROJECT$/tools/deploy/$ENVIRONMENT$/before/
        execution_dir: $ROOT$/docroot
          - environment
      - type: :script
        location: $PROJECT$/tools/deploy/$ENVIRONMENT$/after/
        execution_dir: $ROOT$/docroot
          - environment
      - type: :script
        location: $PROJECT$/tools/deploy/common/after/
        execution_dir: $ROOT$/docroot
          - environment

Important: your remote repository should containt orphaned state_stable branch, it can be empty initially.

Step 7: Sites directory config file creation

Sites directory represents Drupal default sites/ directory, lets create it and put the proper config file:

$ mkdir master/docroot/sites

And config file:

$ touch master/docroot/sites/info.yaml

The structure of the config file is the same as in step 3. Put this into the configuration file you have just created (do not forget to put a proper git link into repo variable):

status: enabled
type: repo
repo: /Users/Adyax/Code/Adyax/docman-sites-test/
order: 20
    type: branch
    version: develop
    type: branch
    version: master
      type: :retrieve_from_repo
      repo: :project_repo
      branch: state_stable
      file: info.yaml
      - type: :create_symlink
        target_dir: master/docroot
      - type: :script
        location: $INFO$/
        execution_dir: $PROJECT$
          - environment

Important: your remote repository should containt orphaned state_stable branch, it can be empty initially.

Note additional after_execute configuration, we are saying to docman that after getting the repository it needs to create a symlink to sites in master/docroot directory.

Put also the file:

$ touch master/docroot/sites/

With the following content:


ln -s ../common all

This will effectively link common directory to /all after the docroot build has beedn finished

Step 8: Building local environment

Now, as everything is ready, lets build a local development environment. In the directory with your main config.yaml file launch this:

$ docman build local development

If you see 'Complete!' in the end of the output of this command - switch to the master directory - your docroot directory will be there and ready to be configured for your local web server.

Step 9: Building and pushing to hosting environment (dev/stage)

$ docman build git_target development

This will effectively build the docroot and push it to git repository of a target hosting in development environment.

$ docman build git_target staging

This will effectively build the docroot and push it to git repository of a target hosting in staging environment.

Step 10: Building and pushing to hosting environment (prod)

When your changes are in the master branch in one of the used repositories you need to say to docman that there is a new stable version. In the needed repository launch:

$ docman bump stable

This will effectively increase your code version number (or propose one, or ask you for the version, depends on the repository state)

And to generate a new stable docroot tag and push it to remote reposiroty launch this command:

$ docman build git_target stable

Supported Ruby Versions

This library aims to support and is tested against the following Ruby implementations:

If something doesn't work on one of these Ruby versions, it's a bug.

This library may inadvertently work (or seem to work) on other Ruby implementations, however support will only be provided for the versions listed above.

If you would like this library to support another Ruby version, you may volunteer to be a maintainer. Being a maintainer entails making sure all tests run and pass on that implementation. When something breaks on your implementation, you will be responsible for providing patches in a timely fashion. If critical issues for a particular implementation exist at the time of a major release, support for that Ruby version may be dropped.


The support is happening in GitHub, please create an issue there.
